While we would all like to whisk our partner away to celebrate St Valentine's Day at an exotic five star resort, I know I can't afford it, just yet!
Here are some ideas for Valentine's Day luxuries on a budget that will amaze your partner. And if you do it just right, with a little creativity, you can have the ultra-romantic day that will convince your loved one of how much you love him or her. Again.
Getting out into the open air, just the two of you, is a great way to spend Valentines. Head for the hills or the state park. There are walks to suit all - whether its an easy walk or a more demanding hike. Remember, it's February, so its likely that the place will be deserted and you will have all that natural beauty to yourself. And outdoor privacy is so romantic!
Take along a special picnic when you go out. In a small picnic basket collect a tablecloth, a vase with a realistic rose in it, 2 taper candles with holders (don't forget a lighter) and a lovely meal for two. When you reach the picnic area you can surprise your partner by setting the table for a romantic meal. Sit down and enjoy!
You could take the picnic with you on a romantic drive, or for a day out kite flying or bicycling. Remember that it's being together that is important.
The outdoors idea even works for couples that have children. There's always plenty for the kids to do if there is a safe and empty playground close by. What better way to celebrate your love than by keeping one eye on the children and reminding yourself why you love them, and their other parent, so much.
Don't fancy the great, romantic, outdoors? Cooking your romantic Valentine's meal together is a great way to share the day. Male sure that your dinner choice is something you will both enjoy, even better if its a special treat you don't often have. Go over the top in decorating the dining room and go to town on the place settings. Make sure you both dress up in your best clothes, as if it was your first date, with your best jewelry and scent.
The main thing to remember is that if you are together you will have as romantic a time as you would have at a posh resort or an exclusive restaurant. It's the thought that counts, not how much money you spend.
About the author:
Nicola Kennedy has become an expert in celebrating St Valentine's Day frugally. And her husband appreciates it! Visit her site http://www.Best-Valentines.info for more ideas on how to make Valentines 2006 a special one.
Copyright Best-Valentines.info All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
Yes, You Can Have a Romantic Valentine's Day, On A Budget
Sunday, November 25, 2007
You Can have An elegant wedding on a small budget
If you have a smaller budget, you're probably afraid that all of your guests will realize it. But honestly, a twenty thousand dollar wedding isn't necessary. Many couples have done it for a lot less, and no one could tell.
What's important
Like coming up with the original budget, you need to determine what the most important things of the day are. Do you want the designer dress? Must you have the reception at a fancy hotel?
Some things that you may want to spend money on: photography and rings. These are two things that you will keep long after the wedding day, so these are the things that should be number one on the planning list. Don't skimp.
A cheaper ceremony
If you're able to have your ceremony outside, then that can be the least expensive way to go. Not only are you able to take advantage of nature, but many of the times, it will be free for you to use. Places that may work are parks and botanical gardens, friend's backyards, and beaches. Of course, these are rather weather dependent, so you'll have to have a backup plan as well.
Find someone that you know who is a minister to do the vows, and ask that their marriage gift be the fee. This is a perfect way to include your friend and save them the trouble of giving a gift.
Skimping on the reception
The best way to keep your costs low for the wedding is to have the ceremony and reception in the same area. Even if you do have to pay a fee, then it's only once. Another way to cut down on reception costs is to have a light afternoon cocktail hour in lieu of dinner. You can serve appetizers and drinks instead of a pricey meal.
You don't necessarily need a band to keep the fun going either. A lot of couples have found that a friend with a multiple CD player and a good variety of CDs is just as good as a deejay. And most friends are willing to help out at the wedding if they can anyways.
Be creative when you go out and look for all of the things you need for your wedding. You'd be surprised at how many things you can save on. One couple made their own programs, decorations, and had it at a friend's house for about three thousand dollars. The guests exclaimed that they'd been to more expensive weddings that weren't half as beautiful.
Something to think about.
About the author:
If you have a smaller budget, you're probably afraid that all of your guests will realize it. But honestly, a twenty thousand dollar wedding isn't necessary. Many couples have done it for a lot less, and no one could tell.
You Don't Have to be Wealthy to Eat Well . . . The Truth about Your Grocery Budget
Many people complain that organic foods are more costly than conventional. In many cases, organic foods are priced higher. However, people aren't weighing the costs of eating healthy against the costs of eating poorly. Americans spend millions of dollars each week on �coffee house foods�–fatty lattés and sugary frappucinos, not to mention the white-floured, trans fatty pastries that go along with them. If you were to keep a strict accounting of all the money you spent on soda, pizza, potato chips, pastries, etc., then the question is not so much how much things cost, but where the money is being spent.
And the costs don't just stop there. The health hazards of the fungicide, pesticide, herbicide and chemical residuals found on conventional foods have been well documented. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers 60% of herbicides, 90% of fungicides and 30% of insecticides to be carcinogenic. Such substances also compromise our immunologic defenses and are disruptive to our endocrine systems.
But not only are conventional foods more harmful because of chemical contaminants, they are also less nutritious. Organic produce has consistently shown significantly higher levels of nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Can you really put a price on the safety of the foods you and your family eats?
There are ways to eat well, without taking a huge bite out of your wallet:
1.)Join an organic co-op;
2.)Go to local farms to pick and purchase fresh, regionally-grown produce;
3.)Check out stores like Trader Joes, discount grocery stores that have begun to offer a greater selection of organic products;
4.)Scan the coupon sections in the paper . . . more and more grocery coupons are applying to organic products now;
5.)Make two lists–one list of �non-negotiables�–products you won't compromise on, and a second list of items that are of lesser priority. For example: organic bananas aren't as critical as organic strawberries, as berries are heavily sprayed and not protected by a thick skin.
6.)Processed foods often come in a box or can, are intended for single meals, and do not preserve well as leftovers. Organic, whole foods on the other hand lend themselves more readily to stews, soups, and casseroles, which means more leftovers. The investment of time in preparing these meals is more than made up for in their multiple uses throughout the week. Incredible savings can be found in cooking this way.
7.)And finally, the more people demand and purchase organic foods, the more the prices will drop!
Super Health Nutrition Tip: Put these low-calorie, nutrient-dense Superfoods at the top of your grocery list:
�Grain grasses (like wheat grass)
�Sea vegetables (like kelp)
�Dark green vegetables (like spinach and broccoli)
�Bright-colored vegetables (like bell peppers)
�Berries (blueberries)
�Eggs from free-range hens
�Grass-fed/grain-free/organic beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, venison, bison, etc.
�Rice and yellow pea protein
�Goat milk protein
�Non-denatured why protein
�Stabilized brown rice bran
�Sprouted legumes and grains such as kasha (buckwheat)
�Fresh-squeezed combinations of vegetable juice
�Sprouts (alfalfa or mung bean, for example)
Check out http://www.7goldenkeys.com for more information.
About the Author
K.C. Craichy is Founder and President of Living Fuel. He is a health consultant and sought-after speaker on the topic of Optimal Health. Since 1981 he has owned and operated multiple companies in a variety of industries. After his first venture into the health club industry in the mid 1980s, Craichy went on to become a Founder, CEO, Investor, and Consultant for conventional and alternative healthcare companies.
Your Budget And Rising Petrol Prices
If you have a mortgage and are not struggling with the increasing cost of petrol ... you are in the minority. And if you aren't struggling now, how will you fare when the flow on effect of high petrol costs starts to increase the cost of living across the board. For many Australians the question of how to cover all their bills and maintain a decent standard of living for their families will soon become a pressing one.
As you struggle with this challenge, you may discover that your mortgage is actually the solution.
In recent months, oil prices have skyrocketed to $65 a barrel. This has resulted in the price of petrol rising above $1.30 a litre. This increase has been blamed on the recent hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and the resulting production delays.
Already this is beginning to bite the budgets of Australian families. In a BRW report, McDonalds chief executive Peter Bush revealed that McDonalds sales growth had dropped 5 % in just weeks. He attributes this sudden decline to Australians tightening their belts to afford the extra $30 to $40 a week to fill the family car. The same article cited a recent NRMA survey, which stated that 25% of NSW and ACT motorists have cut their spending on food and groceries as a result of the petrol hike.
Petrol prices have risen 30% this year; the cost of petrol being a major expense for most Australian families. In a media release from the University of Newcastle, Dr. Abbas Valadkhani said, "You don't necessarily have to use a lot of petrol to be affected by the price rise."
Apart from the direct effect we have already experienced, we will soon begin to suffer the flow on effects of the petrol hike. The cost of milk has already increased and a range of other industries such as transport, storage, forestry, fishing, agriculture and meat and all dairy products will have their costs increase due to the rising price of petrol. It is only a matter of time before these costs are passed on to us. If you think about it, there are few goods and services in the economy that don't have fuel costs somewhere in their production and distribution chain.
Well, that's the bad news. The good news is that many experts believe that this spike in petrol prices is temporary. It is a result of diminished production, due to natural disasters. Eventually, the damage will be repaired, supply will return to normal levels and the price will drop. However, that could be six months or a year from now and until then you need to keep paying for the petrol, pay your bills, budget for Christmas and pay your mortgage.
But are you paying the right mortgage? Are you using your mortgage to its fullest potential? With interest rates so low and the cost of living experiencing an unexpected and temporary spike, a logical means of maintaining your lifestyle, during this time, is to use your mortgage to offset this temporary fluctuation.
This may be the time to either take advantage of your home loans features, or change to a more flexible mortgage. For example, you can switch to a loan that has a redraw facility. This allows you to draw back extra payments you have made and use them to help you through this particularly stressful time.
If rising costs are getting on top of you, perhaps refinancing is the solution. You can roll all your debts into your home loan; car payments, credit cards etc., consolidating your debt and reducing your regular repayments, leaving more cash each week to combat this sudden increase in expenses. Instead of running up the credit cards, refinancing your home loan may be the most cost-effective and cheapest way to raise that extra money to help you through the next turbulent 6-12 months.
Using a mortgage-offset feature is another way to have that extra cash handy, but still minimise your interest. Let's say you refinance and leave yourself $10,000 to help pay the bills for the next few months. If your loan is $100,000 and you have $10,000 in the offset account, the interest on your loan is only calculated on $90,000.
The current petrol crisis will eventually pass, but in the interim, why struggle to care for yourself and your family when the solution to your short term budget problems is sitting right there ... in your home?
About the author:
Melanie Carne Compare-homeloans.com.au< /a> provides useful comparison information for Australian home buyers. Reliable brokers' services compared with fast enquiry links.
Your Budget And Taste For Gadgets Will You Determine What Type Of Cell Phone Accessories You Need
There are many items that you can purchase to increase your cell phone use and satisfaction. Here is a short list of the must-haves with a few recommendations on where to find many more accessories for sale.
Usually, an earpiece or headset, long lasting batteries and a car charger are provided at a discount when you purchase your phone. If you plan to replace these items, make sure that your new accessories are compatible with your brand of phones. A cell phone is a small, but sensitive item. If you try to attach the wrong equipment, you'll need to use your warranty a lot sooner than you think.
A lot of cellular manufacturers are now including data kits as a part of their accessory offerings. I would go for a cell phone with Bluetooth technology. This allows the phone to interface with other electronic equipment such as Blackberrys and PCs. You can download data, upload data or customize your phone from your PC and have it done in real time.
There are car chargers, desktop chargers, sports pouches, faceplates, masks, data cables and belt clips. The list varies by manufacturer, but only your needs and budget can guide you through the long list of cell phone accessories that available online.
Syd Johnson is the Executive Editor of RapidLingo.com, Financial Solutions Website. You can see more articles at http://www.rapidlingo.com.
This article may be freely distributed as long as the author's bio is included with an active link to http://www.rapidlingo.com.
Your Online Business Budget
Have you set up a budget for your online business yet? You do need one, you know.
Budgeting for your business will help keep your expenses within reason, and tell you if you are making financial
How do you create a business budget? Pretty much the same way you would for your household budget.
First, determine what your income is. You say your business hasn't generated an income yet? Then, you'll have to decide how much you can take from your personal income to invest in your business.
Decide on the expense categories that you think you'll need for your particular business. For instance, web hosting, advertising and education.
Take the amount of money that you decided you would have for your "income" and apportion it to the various expense categories you created. Make educated guesses if you need to. It will be easier to determine what the expense amounts
and categories are as your business actually starts to generate income and expenses.
Follow your budget and adjust it monthly to reflect the changes your business goes through.
A word about your business income: Reinvest. Reinvest all the profits of your business back into your business.
Believe me - your business will grow much faster if you do.
Expenses. There is no way you can run a business without having expenses. But there are ways to keep your expenses down by "shopping around" and making sure your online purchases are really necessary to your business.
Here are some things to watch out for:
= Paid newsletters. Why should you pay for newsletter subscriptions when there are thousands on the Internet that you can get for nothing.
= eBooks. Make sure that the ebooks that you purchase are ones that you will really read and use as a resource. You don't want to have an eBook collection...you want to have a
"resource" library.
= Paid membership sites. I honestly don't believe that the sites that you have to pay to get into have any more
"secrets" than other sites on the Internet. By doing a search on Google.com, you can find the information you need on any subject.
There is one more thing that will ruin any budget. Doing nothing! You can plan, and plan, and plan. But if, at some point, you don't start following that plan, you will lose money.
Set up your budget, follow it, and adjust it as necessary. Focus on increasing your profit, not only your income. That is where your success will come from.
About the Author
Jude Wright has been marketing on the Internet for three
years. Her speciality is providing information to new
affiliate marketers who want to become a success online.
She has a free online newsletter, About Affiliates Ezine,
which was rated A1 by Best Ezines. Subscribe at:
Your Secret Weapon... A Budget
For many, the word 'budget' immediately sends shivers down the spine. Why in the world would anyone need or want to budget their money?
First off, budgeting your money does NOT mean you are poor, or are in need of financial assistance. You'd be surprised to know how many considered to be "middle class", regularly budget their money in order to make the most of what they have.
Secondly, designing and implementing a budget does NOT take a Harvard doctorate degree requiring hours upon hours of tedious work.
What is a budget?
Simply put, a budget helps you to track your income and keep your spending habits in check over a certain period of time, allowing you to reach specific goals.
Why Start A Budget
There are many reasons why a family may want to implement a budget. These "reasons" can be labeled BUDGET GOALS. The reason(s) you are budgeting your money.
It is imperative that you actually determine what your GOALS are before actually designing a budget plan.This is what you will be striving for.
Answer the question - 'Why do I want to start budgeting my money?' To save for a new house or car? Saving for your childrens' college education? What about an early retirement?
These are all very important goals that many of us will have to face at some point in our lives. And these are some of the goals that can be tackled through the implementation of a budget.
** Summary - Set Your Goal(s) **
Cash Flow Analysis
It is now time to determine the amount of "cash" that comes into your pocket every month, and the amount that leaves your pocket every month.
This is one of the most important steps in planning your budget, for it allows you to get a whole perspective of your current financial situation. At the same time, analyzing your "cash-flow" allows you to actually see where your incomes are coming from and how it is being spent.
Remember, this does not have to be done professionally nor does it need to be time consuming. In addition to that, try not to track every single penny that you spend. You'll drive yourself crazy. A budget should not frustrate you to death.
Start with your income(s). It's best to take it a month at a time so you get a clear, concise view of what you make on a monthly basis. Don't forget to include any benefit or interest payments you receive.
After you have an idea of the TOTAL amount you receive monthly, it's time to add up the expenses you pay every month. Generally, you can group most expenditures into two categories - fixed and variable.
Fixed bills - mortgage, car, insurance loans, etc...
Variable bills - utilities, phone, car maintenance, entertainment, food, etc...
It is really important that you tally up EVERYTHING that is paid out monthly. That includes all taxes, social security, 401(k) (retirement funds), and any other deductions that you might have taken directly out of your paycheck.
It works best if you write down ALL the expenses/bills that you pay monthly.
If you are having difficulty remembering what is paid every month, take a look back through your financial records, checkbook or bank statements for more accurate numbers.
Remember, you do not want to spend hours and hours, sweating over this. Budgeting should not be like another 9-5 job. The quicker and easier this analysis process is, the more you will be willing to go through with it.
** Summary - Write Down ALL Incomes and Expenditures **
Review Your List
Now that you have your list of incomes and expenditures, it is time to review what you have written. Look and see what bills/expenses can possibly be lowered. Do you notice any excessive spending areas? Any bills you know for sure that can be lowered?
This is where you might have to make some sacrifices. Is your dream of a brand new BMW worth giving up your restaurant outings three times a week? These are the choices you are faced with when you must decide how you are going to reach your goal(s).
Start out small. There's no need to become a first-rate miser overnight. That's hard to do! Take things a step at a time. Implement one money saving strategy a week, or month. Remember though, you decide at how quickly you accomplish your goals.
** Summary - Review And Decide Where To "Cut-Back" **
Track Your Spending
In the real world, you are faced with thousands of advertisements and gimmicks begging you to 'buy their product'.
Buy what you must, just keep in mind your budget.
In order for accurate records, track as much of your spending as possible. Simply save all the receipts you get from your purchases.This is important because you need to tally everything to see how much money you saved at the end of the month.
** Summary - Keep Track Of The Money You Spend **
Compare Results & Modify
Now it's time to find out if all your hard work has paid off. Were you able to lower some bills? Finding out how much you saved is the best part of budgeting. It's exciting! This is what makes the whole budgeting process worthwhile.
Stick with your budget! Modify your spending habits to try and lower bills bit, by bit. You'll soon forget about the whole budget idea, and just see it as a game, where you try and save as much money as possible month by month.
You can find more money saving articles to help lower your bills at:
** Summary - Compare and Make Necessary Changes For Increased Results **
The hardest part of the whole budget process is starting one. Once you set your mind to implement a budget, and take the time to formulate a written agenda, the rest falls into place.
Budgeting requires some small sacrifices. Changes in lifestyle. Changes in spending habits. Be creative and have fun saving money off your bills. You are doing this for YOU, to accomplish your GOALS, so stick with your budget plan and your will be rewarded!
** Summary - Start YOUR Budget and Accomplish Your Goals! **
About the Author
Gregory Thomas has been writing money-saving articles for SavingSecrets.com now for over 6 years. Hop on over to their website and you'll find FREE money-saving articles, a monthly newsletter, and even a FREE Ebook download just for stopping by! http://www.SavingSecrets.com
Your Stock Support Budget
Your Stock Support Budget
By William Cate
Published November 1999
[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]
It costs money to create share buying. Every public company must find the
buyers for their shareholders' stock. You must have the buyer when your
shareholder sells. If your company fails to find the buyers, your share
price will collapse.
To maintain your present share price, your float will trade four times
annually. Your float is the stock held by your public shareholders. If your
company's float is one million shares, you must expect to find four million
shares of buying in the next year. If you keep your present shareholders,
you'll cut your stock support costs by 100%. If your insiders can't sell
and thus add to the company's float, you'll reduce your future stock
support costs by fourfold for every unsold insider share.
The annual supply and demand for your company's stock isn't constant in
the Market. You get a favorable write-up. Demand for your stock temporarily
jumps up. A major shareholder liquidates their position. The supply of your
stock temporarily increases in the Market. You need to level the
supply/demand curve. You can often do it by working with your shareholders. Your goal should be to maintain a sustainable share price. Your share price should trade within a narrow range.
There's a silver-lining about bad news. If your shareholders hear it from
you, you'll gain credibility. If they hear it from you, it won't sound as
bad as hearing it from their broker, a newspaper article, or in the
Shareholders' Annual Report. Budget money to spread bad news. It's a sound
long term strategy.
A Stock Support Rule of Thumb for OTCBB companies is that it costs a dime
to create a share of buying, when your share price is below one dollar. For
a share price above one dollar add five cents for every dollar of the share
price above one dollar. This means that it costs a quarter to support a
four-dollar share price. Multiply this share cost by your float and then by
four and you have an annual budget for stock support.
Stock support and compliance costs are the best arguments against going
public. You must convert these costs into a strong share price. You must
use your strong share price to buy profitable assets for your company. The
profitable assets must improve your bottomline. If you don't use your stock
as money to build your company, your long term shareholders will lose their
investment in your company. You'll fail.
If you believe that your share price reflects the merits of your company,
don't go public. Your share price will languish for years as you await some
Fundamentalist writer to discover the value in your company. Meanwhile the pragmatic CEO builds value by using their strong share price to buy
profitable assets. It can take twenty years to create a hundred million
dollar private company. It can take 20 months for a public company to buy
for stock a hundred million dollar public company. The option is your
company can earn the money, pay taxes, reinvest and grow. Or, you can go
public, print your own money called stock, and use your strong share price
to buy assets and become a hundred million dollar company. Your decision
involves your willingness to spend money to ensure a strong share price.
To contact the author: Visit the Beowulf Investments website: [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] Or, visit the Global Village Investment Club Website:
About the Author
He has been the Managing Director of Beowulf Investments [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] since 1981 and is the Executive Director of the Global Village Investment Club [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Your Style, Your Budget
Tired of ogling the latest styles in brand name home furnishing stores and catalogues, only to find that the price of one little
coffee table equals more than half your monthly salary? Don't be discouraged -- with a little ingenuity, your home can be as
beautiful and stylish as a Hollywood celebrity's, for just a fraction of the cost.
* Start with the walls. It's easy to forget that sometimes just adding a fresh coat of paint or changing the color of your walls
can give your living room, bedroom, or dining room a brand new look and feel.
Wallpapering is another way to jazz up a room -- but don't break your budget hiring a contractor. Consider wallpapering
just one wall, or only wallpapering borders.
* Create atmosphere with Light. Don't overlook the power of a lamp. The right lighting can transform any room. Forgo overhead
lighting for lamps, and stay away from halogen unless it fits into your modern decorative scheme.
Wall sconces are another great way to add a stylish touch to any room. Look for the type that lends itself to easy,
* Accessorize. Another inexpensive way to create a designer look is to buy a few key accessories, like silk pillows,
chenille throw blankets, and fresh-smelling candles. Choose an elegant centerpiece for your dining room table or coffee table,
like floating white candles, fresh flowers, or a ceramic or glass fruit bowl.
Pictures, photos, prints and paintings can be hung around a room to create whatever look or feel you desire. Shop flea
markets and thrift stores for prints and interesting photographs, or go to a discount store for frames and hang some
of your own creations.
* Buy furniture that won't break the bank. Shop smart for couches, lamps, tables, entertainment centers, and more. Estate
sales, consignment stores, flea markets, junk and thrift stores can be gold mines for second hand but stylish furniture.
If you don't want second hand, shop clearance sales or online. Online furniture stores can be treasure troves for good deals,
since they generally have little overhead and therefore don't pass those costs on to you, the consumer.
* Can't afford a new couch? If you are somewhat handy with a sewing machine, use discounted fabric or beautiful sheets to sew
yourself a couch cover. Still have energy? Create more cheap but beautiful "new" furniture by sewing upholstery covers for your
armchairs or dining room chair seat cushions.
If you can't sew, buy a shabby chic slipcover or tuck in a large beautiful sheet or blanket for a homemade slipcover.
Finally, consider simply rearranging your furniture -- finding a different wall to put your couch against can create a whole new
look for your living room.
Use any or all of these tips to achieve the style you want at a low, low cost. Amaze your friends and family with your stylish
home, then dazzle them with the shoestring budget you had to work with. Go ahead! It's your home and you deserve the best
without having to spend the most. Please find the original article and more information about this subject at
YourBudget When Yale graduate, BatSheva Vaknin is not writing helpful and insightful articles like the one you just read for
www.homeandliving.com, she writes plays, screenplays and short
stories. In fact, she has just completed her first novel.
If you would like to publish this article on your own site, please feel free to do so. Please let us know the URL of the
posted article by emailing the URL to article@homeandliving.com
. All we ask is that you include the whole article, without changes, including the link to the original article location,
author information, this disclaimer and the following link. Find great home furniture online at www.homeandliving.com...
About the author:
When Yale graduate, BatSheva Vaknin is not writing helpful and insightful articles like the one you just read for
www.homeandliving.com, she writes plays, screenplays and short
stories. In fact, she has just completed her first novel.
Your Wedding Budget: Setting It And Sticking To It
Want to make sure your marriage doesn't end up on the rocks before you get to the chapel? Then set a realistic wedding budget -- and stick to it.
In the process of planning a wedding, budget concerns often is a source of disagreement for a couple. They may have different ideas about what kind of wedding they want, and about what they can afford. To make the wedding a truly happy occasion, it is important that the couple discusses financial constraints early.
Set A Budget And Save For It
The first tip is -- discuss finances before the wedding plans begin. Everyone involved in the decision-making process needs to understand exactly how much money is available for the wedding.
To maximize that budget, you should start saving early for your wedding. Advance planning and saving will allow you to maintain or even exceed your budget, comfortably. And that will make wedding planning easier and more fun.
Get Everyone On-Board
Once your wedding budget has been established, set it aside for a few days and then review it again. This gives everyone a chance to let the information sink in. The budget review after this waiting period gives the participants a chance to verify that they understand and agree to the budget. This is vitally important, because someone who does not agree with the budget may overspend in 1 area, leaving the rest of the budget in jeopardy.
Budget Line Items
When you've decided exactly how much money is available for your wedding, the next step is to divide the total into budget categories, such as the venue, food and drink, bride's attire, groom's attire, transportation, entertainment, photography, favors, centerpieces, and gifts. It is also advisable to set aside money for unforeseen expenses.
Who Pays
Part of establishing a budget is to be clear on who will pay for what.
Shopping And Negotiating
You will need to negotiate contracts for services, and so you must know the budget for each area of the wedding. If you have allotted $250 for entertainment, look for a DJ whose rate is approximately that amount, then negotiate to ensure that you remain under budget.
It's wise to shop around and compare prices for services. A company may come highly recommended, but if they are outside your price range, let them know why you are going to have to choose another company. You may be surprised at how willing they will be to give you a better offer.
Substitute Creativity For Cash
Doing things on your own is another way to stay under budget. Homemade invitations or making your own favors or centerpieces can greatly reduce the wedding cost, freeing up funds for other areas of the wedding.
Do not fall into the trap of viewing your budget as restrictive. Instead of thinking about what you can't afford, focus on how you can make your wedding and reception truly unique. You will be inspired to create a wonderful, memorable wedding regardless of your budget constraints.
Anticipate The Unforeseen
Realize that there are bound to be snags along the way. If you go over budget in 1 area, you will need to cut the budget in another area. As long as you stay aware of your spending and realize the ramifications of all your actions, you can roll with the punches and alter your plans to accommodate any needed changes.
Make It A Wonderful Memory
A wedding budget can cause emotional strain on a couple and their relationship. It is important for them to discuss their finances and establish a clear budget for their wedding plans. Doing this early in the wedding planning process can help the couple to avoid conflict during the planning phase of the wedding. It can also make the wedding more fun for everyone, and start out the marriage on a positive note.
After all, working together is what a marriage is all about.
About the Author
Visit Wedding Ideas to learn more. Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer. Copyright 2005 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.
Zero-based budgeting - start fresh, achieve more!
Every year, good business executives develop a budget. Peek into the planning sessions and operating mode of any well-run company and you will find a strong budgetary process at work. Simply put, a budget is a financial tool -- sort of a "spending-guide'. But, it can also be a healthy discipline forcing the company to think and constructively debate the investments and priorities for the coming year. As such, senior executives should demand a tight alignment of corporate goals to the annual budget. A well-developed budget puts into place the necessary structure to measure, manage and control the variety of spending within the enterprise. Savvy company leaders also utilize the budget process to communicate to the rest of the company the priority of various projects as well as the amount and timing of the funds allocated. The annual budget and its monthly review and quarterly updates memorialize and documents the companies financial intentions for the coming year. This fulfills a requirement demanded by most banks and lending institutions. However, there is an inherent trap that most companies fall into when developing yearly budgets. And it is so insidious and subtle, that most senior executives unwittingly become part of this annual charade without realizing it. Global Marketing calls it the ‘creep-factor'. What is the creep-factor? Some clients of Global Marketing have guessed it is an apt description of their firm's newly hired CFO. Some have indicated that, as in the likes of ENRON, WorldCom and etc., it must be a new method that defines profit. And others thought it might be a ratio of lost customer revenue to the firm's competitor. All reasonable guesses, but none correct! Global Marketing Inc. has many clients and sooner or later the topic turns to ideas on cost-cutting measures. At this point the Global Marketing team asks to review the summary budget schedule for the past 3 years. All key expense items are analyzed with budgeted increases from previous years highlighted. With few exceptions, we find that budgets grow (creep) by 5-12% per year usually without an increase in the revenue (shipments) line. And even if the top line does increase, this only temporarily masks the expense increase and the inevitable cost-cutting sessions to come. This insidious budgetary creep-factor is routinely accepted in many companies, but it can be effectively neutralized through a simple business technique called zero-based budgeting. Here's how it works. The CEO or senior department head demands that everything...that's right everything (including his own expense) in the budget be open for healthy debate and defended logically if it is to get back into the newly created budget. These managers and senior leaders should ask their people to start with a clean sheet of paper. Then, and only then begin to put together the expenses (people, projects, supplies, etc.) that gain the organization the best return. Sadly, many firms begin or start with a budgetary baseline made from last year's expense run-rate. This is a fundamental budgeting mistake and the root cause of creep-factor. New and more innovative thinking occurs when zero-based budgeting is inserted into the annual budget process. Instead of automatically increasing the travel expense by x%, new ideas begin to emerge. If you tie certain bonus considerations to the budget process and pay on achievement of reaching this budget - you may be surprised at the outcome. Now the thinking becomes more non-linear (out-of-the-box) and interesting results usually happen. Global Marketing has always found that good people like (demand) to be challenged. The courage to act and insist on this type of annual budget process will challenge your good people and ensure that your firm receives a fresh, annual start and perhaps you'll achieve more! About the Author
Frank Williams is a marketer. With many post graduate courses in management, leadership, marketing and technology to his credit, Williams is a widely respected speaker, author and technologist. He has significant knowledge in marketing strategies and is the founder and CEO of Global Marketing, Inc. - a leader in business, marketing and sales consulting Other valuable articles can be found at: http://members.cox.net/glmarketing/glmarketing/index.htm